Installing an Ipe Deck Takes Time and Preparation
The amount of time required to fully install your new Ipe deck depends on several factors, such as the size of the deck, design pattern, and number of stairways and railings. For example, a standard size deck, with one stairway and railings, takes approximately two weeks to install. If you are completing the project over several weekends, then this would translate to approximately 6 weekends. This time frame not only includes the actual installation, but also the preparation and planning stages.
During the preparation and planning stages, you need to prepare plan drawings, take measurements, and order your Ipe deck materials and supplies. After ordering your materials and supplies, there are several things you have to complete before they arrive. In some areas, you may be required to obtain a building permit from your local city or county office. Further, your city or county could have specific regulations in regards to set offs, placement and size limits. They might even want to come to your home and do a site inspection before approving your permit.
After securing your building permit, you are able to start preparing the site where your new deck is going to be installed. If the decking is going to be flush with your home, you need to make sure to prepare those areas using flashing to protect your siding. You also want to clear out any grass from your work site. Once this is completed, you could go ahead and start digging out holes where the support posts will be installed, so you are ready to start the actual installation after your materials and supplies arrive.