Deckmaster by Grabber

Preserve the life of your deck with Deckmaster Powder Coated Brackets and Screws, corrosion resistant with a 50-year limited warranty. Enjoy the lasting beauty of a stronger and more secure deck.

Build your deck to last with Deckmaster’s patented powder coated hidden fastening system.

ACQ Compliant Outstanding corrosion resistance Powder coating’s natural wood color blends with the deck understructure Highest uplift values of any hidden fastening system Perfect for Stairs and fastening the edges on Clip Systems

When using the Deckmaster Fastening System, all fasteners are hidden beneath the deckboards. There is no surface penetration of the deckboards or joists. No moisture can enter deckboards or joists and cause nail or screw pop-ups or deck rot. No stains or splinters form around fastener holes.


Benefits of the New Deckmaster Powder Coated Brackets:

50 Year Warranty ACQ Compliant Outstanding corrosion resistance. Powder Coating’s natural wood color blends with the understructure of balconies. No metal shine between the deck boards. Spray painting the top of the brackets is eliminated.


Faq For Deckmaster

  • No surface penetration of deck board. This helps both aesthetics and longevity of the decking.
  • Each bracket is held to the joist by 10 screws driven into the side of the joist.
  • Built in Screw guides help insure perfect deck screw angle.
  • Spring action keeps boards tight: When a deck screw is driven into a deck board through a Deckmaster® Bracket dimples the steel creating a constant spring tension to reduce deck board loosing due to expansion and contraction.
  • Deckmaster® screws are #10 with a type 17 Auger point. By design, it cannot back out.
  • Correct length of bracket: The strongest installation has the brackets alternating from one side of the joist to the other. This installation allows each finished joist to have even stresses on both sides of the joist.
  • Deckmaster® Brackets actually strengthen the joists: A deck is the tightest and strongest on the day it is finished and after that it spends its whole life working itself loose. Deckmaster® Hidden Brackets are extremely rigid in the vertical direction (Try bending one). It's like reinforcing the joists with small steel girders.
  • Any spacing of deck boards can be used: Spacing varies with each builder, type of wood and locale of the deck. Deckmaster® Hidden Brackets support any spacing pattern a builder chooses.
  • Angled decking: Deckmaster® Hidden Brackets work great with any angle or pattern the builder chooses. The best way to build a new diagonal deck is to first install the joists at the desired angles.
  • Air Space: There is no wood to wood contact. The unique Deckmaster brackets create an air space between the deck board and joist reducing the potential for water damage.
  • Boards are independently attached: One problem that I observed with the various clip systems is that they often rely on the fastening strength from one deck board.
  • 2 Screws: With Deckmaster®, two angled screws hold each board in place and they can never come loose.
  • Determine the total joist length in inches (mm) and divide the number by 22 (559).
  • Count joists where deck boards splice as two joists.
  • For random deck board splice pattern, include additional brackets to be cut into shorter pieces.
  • For diagonal patterns, add enough brackets to cover the ledger board and end joists.
No. Using the included Deckmaster® screws (type 17 auger points) should minimize predrilling. Be aware that near the butt ends you may need to predrill to prevent splitting.
MCQ Compliant non-stainless steel screws will cause Tannin Weep in Ipe. Deckmaster® is all beneath so there are no surface screws. As such, Tannin weep will be beneath the deck and not noticeable. Powder Coated Deckmaster® is sufficient.
The Stainless steel Deckmaster® Hidden Deck Brackets should be used in areas with salt spray around pools and spas (chlorinated water), and boat docks. Common sense application of anywhere corrosion could be a problem.
Grabber manufactures the product to be of highest quality using today’s technology. Deckmaster® warrants Powder Coated to firmly hold the boards in place for 50 years. Deckmaster® warrants Stainless Steel for the life of the deck. Deckmaster® does not warrant corrosion, discoloration, flaking, or visible rust.


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