Green and ABS Wood
Our country is not just for our generation. Our need for products has to be managed such that we leave a legacy for future generations. All ABS Wood, wood products are renewable. They are all legally harvested from forests and are covered under the US Lacey Act. Our containers are fumigated before arrival into the US to insure no invasive species are introduced. We careful manage our products as we want to protect our home and country.
ABS Wood helps restore forests by planting trees. The Plant a Tree program renews and maintains forest ecosystems. This helps to manage and sustain natural forest resources for future generations.
Environmental Due Diligence
- ABSWood contributes to the replanting of Trees in our Forests.
- ABSWood does not buy or sell species that are listed in CITES as endangered. CITES (Convention on International Trade In Endangers Species) monitors and reports wood species ranging from abundant to endangered.
- ABSWood complies with all government agencies regulations, foreign and domestic, with respect to forest preservation.
- ABSWood complies with the US Lacey act. The Lacey act prohibits trade in species that have been illegally taken, transported or sold.
- ABSWood has a continuing program to have trees planted to help sustain our forests for the next generation.
- ABSWood final milling of our Exotic Imported products is completed in the US.
- ABSWood accessories are of US manufacture. Locally sourced, locally managed, and supporting US Jobs.